How to ask for a pay rise and when?

Asking for a pay rise can feel like an awkward thing to direct. But when it comes to career, asking for what pay you deserve is important. When you work hard and go above and beyond your job depiction or outdo your contemporaries, it’s natural to want a decent pay rise.

We all feel underestimated sometimes, but before you go in with all guns blazing, take the time to do your research and get to know how your salary really ranks.

That way, you’ll be nonchalant, peaceful and composed in the meeting – and equipped with the facts you need to make your case.

When to ask for a pay rise:

The end of a financial year is another reasonable time to talk about pay, as these are times when the business is already measuring results and making estimates and might be more acquiescent to making salary increase decisions.

Best time to ask for a pay rise:

First, you need to know when is the right time to ask for a pay rise.

best time

  • After the accomplishment of a successful project, you were involved in.
  • When your employer announces positive financial results.
  • Your contract is ending, and the company wants to renew it.
  • Your manager asks you to take on more charge.
  • A reasonably quiet time in your boss’s schedule.
  • During your annual performance review, as your manager will be prepared to discuss your career development and future at the company
  • When your company exceeds its quarterly or annual profit forecast

Worst times to ask for a pay rise:

worst time

  • Following poor economic results or the loss of a major agreement.
  • After the company has announced a pay or enrollment freeze.
  • Monday morning or particularly busy time in the quarter.
  • Friday afternoon, when your boss is thinking about the weekend.

How to ask for a pay rise:

Do your research:

In an ideal world, we’d all be making more than our current salaries, but convincing your supervisor to settle on your dream figure is unlikely. Make sure you research how similar jobs pay so you can set realistic expectations for yourself and don’t end up asking for too much.

Tie up loose ends:

Build a business case around calculable, noticeable skills, recommendations and workplace results. Unfinished projects can leave a negative impression so it’s better to tie up any loose ends that could count against you.

Ask in Person:

Asking for a pay rise in person is the best way. A face-to-face request is harder to turn down than one made in writing – and if nothing else, broaching the subject in person shows you are serious.

Meeting with your manager allows you to gauge their reaction and make counter-arguments and negotiate.

Write down your script:

Even however it’s preeminent to ask in person, but writing down your arguments beforehand is a good idea. It helps to organize your thoughts, and you can email your manager after the meeting.

Email your manager:

Give your request the status it deserves to email them, it should be short and, and ask for a meeting with them to discuss. The meeting is the beginning of a process and deserves a 45-minute slot in your manager’s diary. You have a genuine need to discuss something important to you. Don’t be diffident in wanting to discuss the matter.


Illustrate your reasons:

When you’re asking for a pay rise, the goal is to persuade your manager that you’re worthy of a higher salary. So in your meeting, use clear examples to establish how you’ve conveyed beyond what is expected of you.

Proactively communicate wins:

If you can show you’re providing more value than what’s anticipated of you, it’s easier to make a strong case. To feel sufficiently prepared, take a list of your instances into the meeting to refer to when the time comes to speak.

Listen and be gracious:

Once you’ve presented the reasons why you think you deserve a pay rise, let your manager answer back, and listen with an open mind which is also a key point.

Ask for feedback:

If your manager decides not to raise your salary, ask for feedback on how you can progress your performance over the next year, and try to take any productive criticism on board. This way it won’t get tough for you, around next time of the year.

Know your options:

Despite your accomplishments, your manager may not be able to offer a pay rise, also consider alternatives to an increase. However, there are other options available to you, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to discuss your current benefits, such as:

  • Extra annual leave
  • Discuss receiving a bonus
  • Flexible working

Have your alternative plan ready so if your initial request is rejected, you can ask for another substitute.

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Sapna Dudhat
Technical Support Engineer
I'm Tech Lover and Customer Expert! I found my passion in providing best solution to the customers to make them happy. I have more than 5 years of experience in IT field.
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